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Tent bed TEN LIT 140B - CL140 BB - SO140B - TL 90B MEL

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3D-Modell - Tent bed TEN LIT 140B - CL140 BB - SO140B - TL 90B MEL


3D model of tent bed TEN LIT 140B - CL140 BB - SO140B - TL 90B MEL

Width - 150 cm
Length - 208 cm
Height - 146 cm
Width mattress - 90 cm
Length mattress - 190 cm

“Plant your tent” in the land of your dreams... Comfortable, functional and very playful, it is accompanied by a removable ecru canvas as you wish. The teepee can withdraw to leave room for a junior bed. Optional bed drawer Suitable for 140 x 190 or 200 cm mattress. In MDF, lacquered 26 colors to choose.

Reference - L.GREI
Ref. Color chart - NCS S 1502 Y
RGB - 210 209 200
Color - Raw