zeelproject.com / 3D-Modelle / Kinderzimmer / Kleiderschrank / Wardrobe with a desk for children
  • Kleiderschrank 1
  • Kleiderschrank 2
  • Kleiderschrank 3
  • Kleiderschrank 4
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Wardrobe with a desk for children

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3D-Modell - Wardrobe with a desk for children


Wardrobe for children.
The furniture was custom made for the children's room.

Dimensions: cabinet height 2500 mm
- cabinet depth 600 mm
- cabinet width 600 mm

- table length 1700 mm
- table depth 600 mm

length of all structures 2900 mm

The material is procedural (no textures) fully configured.

System units are millimeters.
3d max files 2011, 2012, 2014, obj and fbx.