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Working set number 2

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3D-Modell - Working set number 2


Working set number 2

Heavy Metal writing desk
Stylish and laconic desk from the new Home Ideas Supply (HIS) collection, designed by Igor Martin
Dimensions (mm): 600 x 1200; H = 770

Chair from the Alpina Collection # 01 series by the RIES design studio in Buenos Aires

Wall clock Mindo MD17078
Diameter (mm): 700

Pendant Lights Geometry Made Easy Lights by Micro Macro

Also in the file are vases, a cup, pictures in a frame and fabric

Formats: 3Ds Max 2015, 3Ds Max 2012, OBJ
Render: Corona
Availability of textures
Polys - 360 082
Verts - 362,562