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Fògher kitchens and barbecues put themselves at the disposal of experienced chefs and acclaimed restaurants in order to create unforgettable culinary experiences. Top quality raw materials, tradition and modernity are combined with technology and professionalism of Fògher cooking systems to create refined and creative dishes. Each of these experiences takes place in special locations that, along with the dishes, tell part of the story and culture of our wonderful territory.
- Phone - +39 0437806640
- E-Mail - info@fogher.com
- Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/FOGHER.ITALIA/
- Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/fogher.outdoor/
- Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo8E_2MKXj9dFFFLk51q4yA
- Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.it/fogheroutdoorcookingdesign/