zeelproject.com / Modèles 3D / Éclairage / Plafonnier / Pendant lamp Avocado white LGH0651
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Pendant lamp Avocado white LGH0651

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Modèle 3D - Pendant lamp Avocado white LGH0651


3D model of pendant lamp Avocado white LGH0651
Hanging lamp Avocado with organic shape. Its shape resembles an avocado half. The lamp is made of oak plywood, protected with clear wax. In the wider part, there is a cutout hole, which was covered with satin plexiglass. A strip of LEDs is mounted inside the lamp. The lamp gives a soft, diffused light that shines both up and down. In the upper part of the light warm color. In the bottom with a cooler shade. The lamp is suspended on three steel wires - two in the wider part and one on the other end. The links can be freely adjusted. In the narrower part, a colorless PVC cable was laid.