zeelproject.com / 品牌 / mmcité / 关于我们
We value our cities and so we constantly endeavour to make them beautiful wherever they may be City Public realms are fascinating places where people meet each other and also experience the history of the city. We are really pleased that our design is directed towards something as interesting as urban areas. We can offer fine quality to all citizens and influence their taste. For mmcité, making street furniture is a cultural mission. We can completely change the face of the city by installing just a few small elements. Activity mmcité, is not only a supplier of high-quality street furniture, our company is also a partner to all those who want to create something special within public spaces. Mayors of cities of all sizes, in the mountains or coastal areas, architects of small teams and large design institutions, construction companies of local or transnational importance – we address all of them with the aim of achieving the perfect project. Design At the beginning, there is always a design sketch, a mere intention. The strong team of experienced and educated professionals create strong, high-quality products. Efficient functionality, careful processing, and affordable costs are the main parameters that we monitor throughout the process. Modern design and distinctive expression represent a constant standard of mmcité, . Quality We combine the very best materials, which are further continuously tested. We take advantage of two sources. On the one hand, our long-term experience, on the other hand, our constant effort to innovate the materials. Only the best is chosen. Functionality, durability and of course the price are the most important criteria for us.