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Dom Heat

Гармония С40

Պահանջվող կրեդիտներ 1
Ներբեռնել 3D մոդելը1.77 Mb
Ամենօրյա կրեդիտ - 3 / 3 ?Դուք ունեք 3 անվճար կրեդիտ ամեն օր:

3D մոդել - Гармония С40


3D model of Гармония С40
Radiators Harmony C are structurally similar to radiators Harmony A, but differ in design. Radiators Harmony C have tubular columns with hemispherical ends. Radiators Harmony C, as well as Harmony A, differ in the diameter of the speakers (for Harmony C25 - 25mm, for Harmony C40 - 40mm) and for the step of installing the speakers on the collectors.

Coating: polymer, base color: "glossy white".
Working pressure: 15 atm., Test pressure: 25 atm.
Heating medium temperature: up to 120 ° C.

Այլ 3D մոդելներ Dom Heat-ից

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