For over 50 years, our company has worked with meticulous accuracy and craftsmanship in the blown glass sector, producing sophisticated gifts and prestigious furnishings. Over the years we have specialized our production by introducing a wide range of lighting articles, which have been influenced by the great ancient Venetian art and by the application of the most modern aesthetic production techniques. Detailed care, combined with high-quality materials, is our main goal and so we ensure our esteemed customers receive a unique product. Design, choice of details, decorations, and the range of colors are entrusted to our skilled experts that study, with great passion, the most interesting ideas for decorating our products. All items are completely handmade and this allows the product to be absolutely original. For this reason, the sizes of our objects may vary by a few millimeters from those listed in the catalog, but we believe that this gives our products a further value and guarantees thei authenticity.
- Phone - +39 0547303035
- E-Mail - info@canginietucci.com
- Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Cangini.e.Tucci
- Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/canginietucci_italy/
- LinkedIn - https://it.linkedin.com/company/cangini-&-tucci
- Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.it/CanginieTucci/