PANOPTIKUM COLLECTIONS is proof of the feasibility of the materialization of ideas, even the most unusual ones, which were embodied in astonishing yet functional interior objects. All products are natural collections of unusual objects, each of which was once just a reckless idea. The most expensive ideas are those whose implementation requires not only material resources but also courage, intuition, and skill. Each idea embodied in the design object is a demonstration of the technological, constructive, and creative capabilities of Kassone Individual Furniture.
Having gained a reputation capital and valuable experience in working with solid wood and metal, by experimenting with materials in the implementation of complex individual orders.
Having gained a reputation capital and valuable experience in working with solid wood and metal, by experimenting with materials in the implementation of complex individual orders.
- Phone - +38 066 273 42 81
- E-Mail - gallery@panoptikumcollections.com
- Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/collections_panoptikum/
- Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/Panoptikum_Design