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Linoleum iQ Toro 0572

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Texture - Linoleum iQ Toro 0572


Linoleum iQ Toro light yellow 0572

iQ Toro is a high quality, conductive PVC coating with a unique PUR surface reinforcement. The coating provides increased security in rooms with high-precision electronic equipment: in operating rooms, laboratories and server rooms, computer labs, etc. Volumetric electrical resistance 5x104 – 106 Ohm meets the EN 1081 standard for conductive coatings. The iQ TORO SC collection has all the advantages of the iQ category - durability, trendy design, high technical performance, as well as low life cycle costs (compared to other homogeneous coatings).

14 Tiles per pack
5,200 m² per pack
40 packs per pallet