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The DoorHan concern offers comprehensive solutions for urban infrastructure, industrial and private construction. We produce pre-fabricated houses using an innovative technology that has no analogues on the Russian market - the structures are assembled on the site for up to 8 days. After assembling the house kit, summing up communications and finishing, the house is completely ready for living. The total construction time from laying the foundation to interior decoration and putting the house into operation is only a few months.
The basis of the house is a steel frame frame, which is sheathed with sandwich panels with energy-efficient insulation. The frames are made of high-strength steel, additionally protected by powder paint. The strength of metal structures is provided by numerous stiffening ribs.
Walls and internal partitions are built from PIR panels - lightweight, durable building material, inside which there is a heat insulator with a minimum thermal conductivity.
The basis of the house is a steel frame frame, which is sheathed with sandwich panels with energy-efficient insulation. The frames are made of high-strength steel, additionally protected by powder paint. The strength of metal structures is provided by numerous stiffening ribs.
Walls and internal partitions are built from PIR panels - lightweight, durable building material, inside which there is a heat insulator with a minimum thermal conductivity.
- Phone - +7 (495) 514-11-22
- E-Mail - sales@doorhan-house.ru
- VK - https://vk.com/doorhan
- Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/doorhankachestvo/
- Telegram - https://t.me/DoorHan